Explore the boundaries of the imagination and travel with author Dan Mariani as he journeys into the mystery of unseen realms, a dark dystopian future, and analyzes the conundrums of the healthcare system.

Learn about the craze behind Pickleball, the joy of bicycling, and how to manifest more happiness in your life.

Become more aware and mindful of all the choices you make. Overcome obstacles and fears and break out of self-imposed restraints that limit your potential.

All of Dan Mariani’s books can be found on Amazon. This site contains links and further background knowledge about Dan.

He is currently President of the Long Island Author’s Group, an independent collective of authors dedicated to the expansion of literary arts.

The author’s interests include cryptozoology, climate science, the paranormal, and wellness research.

He studied English at the University of Albany, and then earned a Master’s degree at Adelphi University.